As the digital landscape becomes an increasingly integral part of voters’ daily lives, the shift towards online advertising in political campaigns is more pronounced than ever. Whether you’re looking to boost campaign contributions or elevate awareness, this guide, drawing from our experiences with clients in political digital advertising, will help you refine your marketing approach and effectively engage with a broader audience.

Innovative Targeting Techniques for Your Political Digital Marketing Efforts
Location-Based Targeting: Geofencing and Geoframing
Harness the power of location-based targeting through innovative strategies like geofencing and geoframing to connect with individuals based on their geographical locations.
Geofencing allows you to create a digital boundary around a specific physical area, enabling you to display ads to users within this boundary on their mobile devices. Geoframing, on the other hand, captures the mobile device IDs of individuals who have visited a designated area at a certain time, offering the opportunity to target them with ads even after they’ve left the area.
The Rise of Hyperlocal Targeting
Contextual Keyword Targeting
Ensuring your advertisements are shown in a context that resonates with the user’s current interests is crucial. Contextual keyword targeting achieves this by aligning your ads with the content of the website or page they are displayed on, based on specific keywords.
It’s important to differentiate between contextual category targeting, which categorizes websites as a whole, and keyword targeting, which focuses on the specific keywords present on a page.
Expanding Reach Through Data Targeting
In cases where first-party data is limited, leveraging third-party data, or data targeting, becomes a valuable strategy to identify and reach your desired audience.
CRM Targeting: Leveraging First-Party Data
Your first-party data, such as that collected through CRM systems, is a goldmine for targeting existing supporters and those already engaged with your campaign.
The Evolution of Advertising with Connected TV (CTV)
CTV advertising merges the traditional appeal of TV ads with the precision and efficiency of digital marketing, making it an ideal medium for reaching engaged demographics such as millennials and those who have moved away from traditional cable TV.
Selecting the Right Data Brands and Segments
Navigating the vast sea of data brands and segments can be daunting. We’re here to guide you through selecting the most effective data segments for political campaigns, with recommendations for brands known for their high-quality political advertising data.
Maximizing the Impact of Your Campaigns
A/B Testing
To fine-tune your campaign’s messaging and visuals, employ A/B testing. By evaluating the performance of different ad groups, you can allocate your budget more effectively towards those that yield the best results. If operating with a single ad group, analyzing campaign reports to adjust underperforming segments can significantly enhance performance.
Preferred and Block Lists
Developing lists of preferred and blocked sites helps in optimizing where your ads are displayed, ensuring they appear on sites that contribute positively to your campaign while avoiding those that don’t.
Ensuring Brand Safety and Ad Viewability
Protect your brand and ensure your ads are seen by implementing strategies around brand safety and viewability. Brand safety tools prevent your ads from appearing in undesirable contexts, while viewability metrics ensure your ads are actually seen by users.
Dynamic Passback Tracking for Donation Campaigns
For campaigns focused on donations, dynamic passback tracking is invaluable. This technique allows for detailed tracking of conversion events, helping you demonstrate the true revenue impact of your campaign and identify the most effective targeting strategies.
With these insights and strategies, you’re well-equipped to navigate the complexities of political digital advertising and achieve your campaign goals.