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Facebook Ad Specs
Design Recommendations:
- File Format: JPG or PNG
- Image Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 80 characters
- Headline: 27 characters
Technical Requirements:
- Max File Size: 30MB
- Minimum Width: 600 pixels
- Minimum Height: 600 pixels
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 3%
Design Recommendations:
- File Format: MP4, MOV or GIF
- Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only)
- Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
- Video Sound: Optional, but recommended
* Videos should not contain edit lists or special boxes in file containers.
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 125 characters
- Headline: 27 characters
- Description: 27 characters
Technical Requirements:
- Video Duration: 1 second to 241 minutes
- Maximum File Size: 4GB
- Minimum Width: 120 pixels
- Minimum Height: 120 pixels
Design Recommendations:
- File Type: JPG or PNG
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Aspect Ratio: 9:16
* Consider leaving roughly 14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the image free from text and logos to avoid covering these key elements with the call-to-action.
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 125 characters
- Headline: 40 characters
Technical Requirements:
- Maximum File Size: 30MB
- Minimum Width: 500 pixels
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%
Design Recommendations:
- File Formats: MP4, MOV or GIF
- Ratio: 9:16
- Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
- Video Sound: Optional, but recommended
* Videos should not contain edit lists or special boxes in file containers.
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 125 characters
- Headline: 40 characters
Technical Requirements:
- Video Duration: 1 second to 2 minutes
- Maximum File Size: 4GB
- Minimum Width: 500 pixels
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%
Design Recommendations:
- File Formats: JPG or PNG
- Aspect Ratio: 9:16
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixel
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 40 characters
- Headline: 55 characters
Technical Requirements:
- Maximum File Size: 30MB
- Minimum Width: 600 pixels
- Minimum Height: 600 pixels
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 3%
Design Recommendations:
- File Formats: MP4, MOV, GIF
- Ratio: 9:16
- Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
- Video Sound: Optional, but recommended
Videos should not contain edit lists or special boxes in file containers.
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 40 characters
- Headline Text: 55 characters
- Support for auto captioning: No
Technical Requirements:
- Video Duration: no maximum limit
- Maximum File Size: 4GB
Instagram Ad Specs
Design Recommendations:
- File Format: JPG or PNG
- Ratio: 1:1
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 125 characters
- Headline: 40 characters
- Maximum Number of Hashtags: 30
Technical Requirements:
- Maximum File Size: 30MB
- Minimum Width: 500 pixels
- Minimum Aspect Ratio: 400×500
- Maximum Aspect Ratio: 191×100
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%
Design Recommendations:
- File Type: MP4, MOV or GIF
- Ratio: 4:5
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
- Video Sound: Optional, but recommended
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 125 characters
- Maximum Number of Hashtags: 30
Technical Requirements:
- Video Duration: 1 second to 60 minutes
- Maximum File Size: 4GB
- Minimum Width: 500 pixels
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%
Design Recommendations:
- File Type: MP4, MOV or GIF
- Ratio: 9:16
- Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
- Video Sound: Optional, but recommended
* Consider leaving roughly 14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the video free from text, logos, or other key creative elements to avoid covering them with the profile icon or call-to-action.
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 125 characters
Technical Requirements:
- Video Duration: 1 second to 60 minutes
- Maximum File Size: 4GB
- Minimum Width: 500 pixels
- Aspect Ration Tolerance: 1%
Design Recommendations:
- File Type: JPG or PNG
- Ratio: 9:16
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
Consider leaving roughly 14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the image free from text, logos, or other key creative elements to avoid covering them with the profile icon or call-to-action.
Text Recommendations:
- Primary Text: 125 characters
Technical Requirements:
- Maximum File Size: 30MB
- Minimum Width: 500 pixels
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%
YouTube Ad Specs
- Recommended Resolution: 1080p (Full HD)
- Recommended Pixels: 1920 x 1080px (horizontal), 1080 x 1920px (vertical), 1080 x 1080px (square)
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (horizontal), 9:16 (vertical), 1:1 (square)
- Maximum File Size: ≤256 GB
- Video Duration: 15 seconds to 6 minutes
- Format: .MPG (MPEG-2 or MPEG-4)
- Can also accept: .WMV, .AVI, .MOV and .FLV .MPEG-1, .MP4, .MPEGPS, 3GPP, WebM, DNxHR, ProRes, CineForm and HEVC (h265)
TrueView, Non-Skippable, Mid-roll and Bumper Ad Specs:
- Resolution: 640 x 360px (19:9 aspect ratio) or 480 x 360 (4:3 aspect ratio)
- Frame Rate: 30FPS
- Maximum File Size: 1GB
- Mid-roll Video Length Minimum: 30 seconds
- Bumper Video Length Maximum: 6 seconds
- Non-Skippable Video Ad Length: Between 15 and 20 seconds (depending on regional standards)
Overlay Ad Specs:
- Dimensions: 480 x 70px
- Ad Image File Format: .PNG, .JPG, .GIF (static or animated)
- Maximum Ad Image Size: 150KB
Display Ad Specs:
- .GIFs must be 30 seconds or less
- If your creative has a black or white background (even partially), you must have a visible border highlighting the ad’s clickable area.
- Dimensions: 300 x 250px
- Ad Image File Format: .PNG, .JPG, .GIF
- Maximum Ad Image Size: 150KB
Sponsored Cards Specs:
- Ad Image File Format: .PNG, .JPG, .GIF (static or animated)
- Maximum Ad Image Size: 5MB
- Dimensions: Variable (1:1 aspect ratio)
About: Skippable video ads allow viewers to skip ads after 5 seconds, if they choose. Inserted before, during, or after the main video.
- Appear On: Desktop, mobile devices, TV, and game consoles
- Requirements: Must upload to YouTube (send Video URL, shortened URL not allowed), allow embedding, be public or unlisted.
- Length: No limit, recommended less than 3 minutes (very short videos, around 30 seconds, may be less likely to serve to better optimize overall viewer engagement and revenue)
About: These non-skippable video ads must be watched before your video can be viewed. They can appear before, during, or after the main video.
- Appear On: Desktop and mobile devices
- Requirements: Must upload to YouTube (send Video URL, shortened URL not allowed), allow embedding, be public or unlisted.
- Length: up to 15 seconds (up to 20 seconds in certain markets)
About: Non-skippable video ads of up to 6 seconds that must be watched before your video can be viewed
- Appear On: Desktop and mobile devices
- File Format: AVI, ASF, Quicktime, Windows Media, MP4 or MPEG
- Preferred Video Codec: H.264, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4
- Preferred Audio Codec: MP3 or AAC
- Resolution: 640x360px or 480x360px recommended
- Frame Rate: 30 FPS
- Aspect Ratio: Native aspect ratio without letter-boxing (examples: 4:3, 16:9)
- Maximum file size: 1GB
- Length: Up to 6 seconds
About: Semi-transparent overlay ads that appear on the lower 20% portion of your video.
- Appear On: Desktop
- Ad Sizes: 468×60 or 728×90 image ads or text
- File type: Static GIF, PNG, JPG
- File size: 150Kb
About: These ads appear to the right of the feature video and above the video suggestions list. For larger players, this ad may appear below the player.
- Appear On: Desktop only
- Ad Sizes: 300×250, 300×60 (YouTube Reserve companions), 300×600 (Zagat only)
- Formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, HTML5
- Max File Size: 150KB
Call-to-Action (CTA) Overlay
A call-to-action (CTA) overlay is an interactive element that appears over an ad and can help drive clicks to your website. An overlay appears when the video starts, and collapses into a thumbnail image after 15 seconds.
- CTA Text: 1 line with up to 10 characters
- CTA Headline: 1 line with up to 15 characters
- Display URL: The URL displayed to the users on the overlay
- Landing Page: The URL to which the overlay links. Can be a redirect and/or link to an external site
- Thumbnail: Auto-generated from the YouTube channel’s icon
Companion Banner
A companion banner appears next to your video ad on YouTube. You can either upload a custom image for the banner, or allow Google Ads to generate an image from your YouTube channel banner.
- File type: JPEG, GIF, PNG
- Ad size: 300×60
- File size: 150KB
- GIF frame rate: less than 5 frames per second
Pinterest Ad Specs
- File type: PNG or JPG
- Max pixel width: 1000px
- Size to maximize the vertical preview in-feed: 1000x1500px
- Max height before the image is cut off in-feed: 1560px
- Minimum resolution: 72ppi
- Max pixel height for Giraffe Pin (image that is truncated in-feed):600x1560px
*Keep in mind after it’s been promoted giraffe pins will be demoted, and as an effect, not receive as many impressions
Description Copy
- Max number of characters: 400
- Characters visible in-feed:
- iOS: 3 lines of description or up to 3 lines of rich title (rich titles prioritized)
- Android: 3 lines of description and up to 3 lines of rich title (if it has one)
- Web: 100 characters for description and up to 100 characters for the rich title
- File Type: MP4 or MOV, H.264 encoded
- Max Size: 2GB; 30 minutes
- Length: Minimum 4 seconds, maximum 15 minutes
- Recommended Aspect Ratio: Square – 1:1 (1000×1000 pixels) or Vertical – 2:3 (1000×1500 pixels)
- Resolution: minimum of 25fps
- Logo & Copy: Descriptions: up to 400 characters
- description only visible upon closeup
Linkedin Ad Specs
Sponsored Content Ads appear in feeds across desktop and mobile devices. They are used to generate leads, drive brand awareness, and nurture relationships through the sales cycle.
- Image Specifications
- Supported File Types: JPG or PNG
- Maximum file size: 5 MB
- Image Ratio:
- 1.91:1 (horizontal, desktop and mobile)
- 1:1 (square, desktop and mobile)
- 1:1.91 (vertical, mobile only)
- Image Aspect Ratios
- Horizontal/landscape:
- Minimum: 640 x 360 pixels
- Maximum: 7680 x 4320 pixels
- Recommended: 1.91:1 – 1200 x 628 pixels
- Square:
- *LinkedIn recommends this aspect ratio for best performance on CTR
- Minimum: 360 x 360 pixels
- Maximum: 4320 x 4320 pixels
- Recommended: 1:1 – 1200 x 1200 pixels
- Vertical:
- Minimum: 360 x 640 pixels
- Maximum: 1254 x 2400 pixels
- Recommended:
- 1:1.91 – 628 x 1200 pixels
- 2:3 – 600 x 900 pixels
- 4:5 – 720 x 900 pixels
- Horizontal/landscape:
- Text Recommendations
- Ad Name (optional): 255 characters
- Introductory Text: 150 characters
- Headline: 70 characters
- Description (LAN only): 70 characters. Only required if using LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN).
- Call-to-action (optional): Access to various CTAs
- URLs length: URLs with 23 character are automatically converted into short links
- Destination URL: URLs must include the “http://” “or https://” prefix and can include up to 2,000 characters for the destination link
- Some special characters (for example: < > # % { } [ ] and others) cause errors when they’re included in the query string at the end of the URL. Even if unsafe characters are accepted, they may not be supported in all browsers
Design Recommendations
- Video File Type: MP4
- Video Sound Format: AAC or MPEG4
- Recommended frame rate: 30 frames per second
- Custom Thumbnail: Optional but recommended
- Ratio:
- 4:5 (vertical, 0.8)
- 9:16 (vertical; 0.57)
- 16:9 (landscape; 1.78)
- 1:1 (square; 1.0)
Technical Requirements
- Video File Size: 75 KB (min) – 200 MB (max)
- Video Duration: 3 seconds – 30 minutes
- Video Captions (optional): Video sound file size less than 64 KHz
- Minimum width: 360 pixels
- Maximum width: 1920 pixels
- Minimum height: 360 pixels
- Maximum height: 1920 pixels
- Minimum aspect ratio: 9:16 (0.563)
- Maximum aspect ratio: 16:9 (1.778)
Recommended Dimensions
- Vertical (4:5):
- Min 360 x 450 pixels
- Max 1536 x 1920 pixels
- Vertical (9:16):
- Min 360 x 640 pixels
- Max 1080 x 1920 pixels
- Landscape (16:9):
- Min 640 x 360 pixels
- Max 1920 x 1080 pixels
- Square (1:1):
- Min 360 x 360 pixels
- Max 1920 x 1920 pixels
- Aspect ratio tolerance: 5%
Text Recommendations
- Ad name (optional): 255 characters
- Headline: 70 characters
- Introductory text: 150 characters
- Introductory Text: Use up to 150 characters to avoid truncation on some devices (255 max characters)
- Cards: Minimum of two cards can be used and a maximum of ten. Individual cards within the carousel must meet these requirements:
- Max file size: 10MB
- Max image dimension: 6012×6012 pixels
- Recommended individual image spec: 1080×1080 pixels with a 1:1 aspect ratio
- Images will be scaled to 312×312 pixels
- Rich media formats supported: JPG, PNG and GIF (non-animated only)
- Headline text for each image card can take up a maximum of two lines before being truncated.
- Character Limits:
- Destination URL: URLs must have the “http://” “or https://” prefix. You may use up to 2,000 characters for the destination link
- 45-character limit for carousel ads that direct to a destination URL
- Some special characters (for example: < > # % { } [ ] and others) cause errors when they’re included in the query string at the end of the URL. Even if unsafe characters are accepted, they may not be supported in all browsers
- 30-character limit for carousel ads with a Lead Gen Form CTA
Like Sponsored Content Ads, Direct Sponsored Content Ads can appear in the form of Single Image, Video and Carousel Ads. Unlike Sponsored Content, these ads don’t need to appear on a LinkedIn page and can be published directly to target audience feeds.
- Sender: Select from available senders
- Message Subject: Up to 60 characters max (incl. spaces and punctuation)
- Message Text: Up to 1,500 characters max (incl. spaces and punctuation)
- Clickable Links: Up to 3 links max
- Hyperlinked Text In Message: Up to 70 characters max (incl. spaces and punctuation)
- Custom Terms & Conditions: Use up to 2,500 character max (incl. spaces and punctuation)
- Call-to-action (CTA) Button Copy: Up to 20 characters max (incl. spaces)
- Landing Page URL in hyperlink or CTA: URLs must include the “http://” or “https://” prefix. Use up to 2,000 characters max for your destination link
- Banner Creative: 300 x 250
- File Type: JPG, GIF (non-animated), or PNG (no flash)
- Maximum File Size: 40kb
- Click-through URL
- Ad Image: 100 x 100 pixels; upload a JPG or PNG file that is 2MB or smaller
- Ad Headline: Use up to 25 characters max (incl. spaces)
- Ad Description: Use up to 75 characters max (incl. spaces)
- Destination URL: URLs must have the “http://” or “https://” prefix. You may use up to 2,000 characters max for the destination link
- Click tracking for destination URLs is supported
- Text ads appear in a variety of sizes, including:
- 300 x 250
- 17 x 700
- 160 x 600
- 728 x 90
- 496 x 80
Dynamic Ads allow you to create more personalized content with the use of member profile data (think profile images, company names and titles). They are also highly scalable, allowing you to reach larger audiences, but regrettably, only on desktops given the limited screen size of mobile devices.
- Ad description (above images): Select a suggested option or create your own custom text. Suggested options are automatically translated but custom text is not. Use up to 70 characters, including spaces
- Ad headline (below images): Select a suggested option or produce your own custom headline. Suggested options are automatically translated but custom text in not. Use up to 50 characters max (incl. spaces)
- Company name: Up to 25 characters max (incl. spaces). Company names are only displayed when a member places their cursor on your logo
- Ad image: Minimum image size: 100 x 100px for JPG or PNG
- Call-to-action (CTA): Select from various CTAs available. CTAs are dynamically displayed in follower ads shown to members who follow your organization. Non-followers see your default Follow CTA
- Visit company (default): Redirects to the Page tab of your LinkedIn Page
- Visit jobs: Redirects to the Jobs tab of your LinkedIn Page
- Visit life: Redirects to the Life tab of your LinkedIn Page
- Ad Description (above images): Use up to 70 characters, including spaces. Your text is not automatically translated
- Ad Headline (below images): Use up to 50 characters, including spaces. Your text is not automatically translated
- Company Name: Use up to 25 characters, including spaces. Your organization’s name is displayed when a member moves their cursor over your logo
- Company Image:
- Minimum image size: 100x100px for JPG or PNG
- Call-to-action (CTA) Button Text: Use up to 18 characters, including spaces
- Landing Page: Supports third-party click tracking destination URLs (via tracking parameters or redirects)
- Custom Background Image (optional): The image must be exactly 300 x 250px and 2MB or less
Note: This format removes the ad description and member profile image. The white portion of the ad measures 276x148px.
- Company name: Use up to 25 characters, including spaces
- Company logo: Recommended minimum logo size: 100 x 100px
Note: smaller company logos will appear smaller and may not perform as well. Larger company logos will be reduced to 100 x 100px. Company logos that are not square will be reduced so that the largest dimension fits. - Ad headline: Choose from one of the suggested options or write your own custom text using up to 70 characters, including spaces
- Call-to-action (CTA) button label: Choose from one of the pre-set CTAs or supply your own custom text. For “Picture Yourself” and “Jobs Page” ads, the CTA is automated. For the “Jobs of Interest” ad, you can customize the CTA
- Primary CTA: Choose from one of suggested options or write your own custom CTA text. Suggested options are automatically translated but custom text is not. Use up to 75 characters, including spaces
- Company Name: Use up to 25 characters, including spaces
- Company Logo (optional): Recommended minimum image size: 100 x 100px
Note: Smaller company logos may appear pixelated and may not perform as well. Larger company logos will be reduced to 100 x 100px. Company logos that are not square will be reduced so that the largest dimension fits. - Document Name: Use up to 50 characters, including spaces.
- Downloadable Document: Only PDFs are accepted. The maximum file size is 10 MB and files may contain both images and text.
- Document Preview (optional): Use a maximum of five 81 x 104 px preview pages
- Privacy Policy URL: URLs must have the “http://” prefix and link to your valid privacy policy. You may use up to 2,000 characters for the destination link
- Privacy Policy Terms: Use up to 2,000 characters, including spaces
- LinkedIn Page Follower Count (optional): Shows the number of LinkedIn Page followers and may be turned on or off
Waze Ad Specs
- Icon: 152x112px
- Banner Sizes: (200x200px) or (170x170px & 458x240px)
- File Type: JPG, PNG
- How It Works:
- Drivers can see up to four Pins at a time, indicating nearby businesses along their route. As a user zooms in and out, different Pins are eligible to show based on the coverage area; Pins that are shown are determined based on targeting, budget, and context.

- Search Icon: 152x112px
- File Type: JPG, PNG
- How It Works:
- Most navigations on waze start with a user’s search so search ads ensure your business is top of mind. Tapping the search listing reveals your creative and more information about the location; one more tap initiates a drive to your location.

- Icon: 152x112px
- Banner Sizes: (200x200px) or (170x170px & 458x240px)
- File Type: JPG, PNG
- How It Works:
- When a user opens the Waze app, an Arrow may appear pointing to your nearby location just off-screen. A tap on he Arrow moves the user’s view to your advertised location and automatically reveals your expanded ad creative with a CTA to encourage real time action.

- Premium Standard: 608x240px
- Premium Wide: 788x240px
- Push Notification: 690x550px
- Banner Sizes: (200x200px) or (170x170px & 458x240px)
- File Type: JPG, PNG
- How It Works:
- When a user has been at a complete stop for at least four seconds, a Takeover may appear (capped at six per session); this ad unit remains on-screen for up to 20 seconds or until the user begins moving again. Takeovers only appear for users whose routes will pass through the set radius around the store location.

Nextdoor Ad Specs
- Logo: 100px x 100px
- Image: 1200px x 628px
- Aspect Ratio: 1.9:1
- File Size: 1MB max
- Format: JPEG or PNG
- Advertiser Name: 25 characters
- Subject Line: 70 characters
- Body Copy: 800 characters (90 characters before truncation)
- Offer Text: 50 characters
- Call To Action: 10 characters

- Logo: 100px x 100px
- Image: 174px x 174px min
- Aspect Ration: 1:1
- Advertiser Name: 25 characters
- Body Copy: 40 characters
- Optional Offer Text: 13 characters (deal or price)

- Image: 1200px x 1200px
- Aspect Ratio: 1:1
- File Size: 1MB max
- Format: JPEG or PNG
- Subject Line: 70 characters
- Advertiser Name: 25 characters
- Call To Action: 10 characters

Tiktok Ad Specs
- Aspect Ratio: 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9
- File Type: .mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .3gp, or .avi
- Video Resolution: ≥540*960px, ≥640*640px, or ≥960*540px.
- Video Duration: 5-60s allowed. We suggest short videos of 9-15s.
- Bitrate: ≥516 kbps
- File Size: ≤500 MB
- Profile Image:
- Aspect Ratio: 1:1
- File Type: .jpg, .jpeg, .png
- File size: <50 KB
- App Name or Brand Name: For Display Names, we support : 1-40 half-width characters (0.5-20 full-width characters).
- Ad Description: For descriptions, we support 1-100 characters (latin) and 1-50 (asian characters).
Suggestions for better ad performance and user experience:
- The video creative must have background music or sound.
- Upload high-resolution videos. Avoid blurry or distorted pictures caused by stretching or compressing dimensions.
- Ad creative should be localized; languages other than the local official language where the ad will be shown should not be shown too often.
X Ad Specs
- Tweet Copy: 280 characters (Note: each link used reduces character count by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy)
- File Types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files.
- File Size: Max 5MB
- Tweet Copy: 280 characters (Note: each link used reduces character count by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy)
- File Types: MP4 or MOV
- File Size: 1 GB max. For optimal performance we strongly recommend to keep files under 30 MB.
- Video Length: 15 seconds or less is recommended. Up to 2:20 is supported
- Branding: Highly recommended throughout; if using a logo, it should be persistent in the upper left hand corner. Prominent product placement is highly recommended for driving product consideration.
- Captions: Closed captioning or text overlays are strongly recommended
- Video Bitrate: 6,000 – 10,000k (recommended 6,000k) for 1080p. 5,000k – 8,000k (recommended 5,000k) for 720p
- Frame Rate: 29.97FPS or 30FPS. Higher is acceptable (support up to 60FPS)
- Audio Codec: AAC LC (low complexity)
- Video Codec Recommendation: H264, Baseline, Main, or High Profile with a 4:2:0 color space
- Thumbnail:
- Supported Files: PNG or JPEG
- Aspect Ratio: recommend matching sizing of the video
- Max Size: 5MB
- Looping: Videos will loop if the video length is under 60 seconds
- Number of Slides: 2-6 (Images or Videos)
- Media Size:
- Image Carousels: 800 x 418 pixels is recommended for 1.91:1 aspect ratio. 800 x 800 pixels is recommended for 1:1 aspect ratio
- Video Carousels: 800 x 450 pixels is recommended for 16:9 aspect ratio. 800 x 800 pixels is recommended for 1:1 aspect ratio
- Aspect Ratio:
- Image Carousels: 1.91:1 or 1:1 image assets using a single aspect ratio within one carousel
- Video Carousels: 16:9 or 1:1 video assets using a single aspect ratio within one carousel
- For Carousels using mixed media, aspect ratios should remain consistent (1:1 image asset with 1:1 video asset, or 1.91:1 image asset with 16:9 video asset)
- Link: One web or app destination for single-destination Carousels. Up to six unique web destinations for multi-destination Carousels
Demand Side Platform (DSP) Ad Specs
- File Types: GIF, PNG, JPEG, HTML5
- File Size: 150kb max
- Animation: 24 FPS, 15 sec max length, 1.1MB max file size
- Dimensions: IAB Universal Ad Package (300×250, 180×150, 160×600, 728×90), Super Leaderboard (970×90), Half Page/Filmstrip (300×600), Billboard (970×250), Portrait (300×1050), 468×60, 120×600, 336×280, 320×180, 250×250, 980×120, 320×50, 274×154, 640×360, 1920×1080, 300×100, 1800×100.
- HTML5 Specifications
- You may not use dynamic or expandable creatives as HTML5 creatives
- Different browsers have different subsets of HTML5 features enabled. Your creative might fail on a browser if it attempts to use a feature that is not enabled in the browser. It is your responsibility to ensure that your creative “gracefully degrades” in case the browser it is viewed on doesn’t support the features it uses.
- The IAB recommends adding the dimensions of your creative to your primary HTML document in a meta tag inside of thesection of your document. Here’s an example, in which you’d replace the width and height values with the actual dimensions of your creative:
< meta name="ad.size" content="width=300,height=250" />
- The AlwaysOn Digital Hosted HTML5 system requires that you upload a static backup image. This image is used to display the ad if a user has JavaScript disabled.
- Commonly used JavaScript and CSS libraries (such as jQuery) do not need to be included with the creative
- Including image sprites instead of multiple images decreases the number of file requests made by your creative and increases its performance
- File Sizes:
- Initial Load: 300 KB max (200 KB recommended)
- Subload: 600 KB max
- Initial File Load Count: 10 files max
- Subload File Count: 100 files max
- File Size: 5 MB max
- User-initiated Load: 2.2 MB (recommended)
- File Packaging:
- A single HTML file. All information for serving the creative (with the exception of commonly used JavaScript and CSS libraries) should be included in the HTML file. The maximum HTML file size is 200 KB.
- A single root/main HTML file with supporting images
- A single root/main HTML file with supporting images and additional supporting JS and CSS files
- All files for displaying the creative (with the exception of commonly used JavaScript and CSS libraries) should be included in the ZIP file.
- The primary HTML file should be located in the root of the ZIP file
- ZIP files must contain no more than 100 files, including at least one HTML file for use as the initiating file for display. Keep the file count low to minimize browser performance impact.
- You can include only HTML, JS, CSS, MP4, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and SVG files in a ZIP file
- When packaging HTML5 creatives, include the asset files, not the folder containing them, in the ZIP file
- Compressed Files Sizes:
- Automatically-started Video: Less than 1.1 MB
- Any Individual File: 2.2 MB max
- Primary HTML FIle: 100 KB max
- ZIP File Compressed: Less than 10 MB
- ZIP File Uncompressed: Less than 12 MB
- Click Tag Parameters:
- You can customize the name of the URL parameter when uploading or editing the creative
- Click tag names are case-sensitive. Be sure to use uniform capitalization throughout the creative and any supporting files. For example, clickTag and clickTAG are not interchangeable. The AlwaysOn Digital Platform defaults to clickTAG.
- When the user clicks the ad, the creative must direct the user to the correct click tag page in a new window
- If you want to also use that clickthrough URL in your HTML5 creative, you can configure the creative to use the backup clickthrough URL as the default clickthrough URL. To call the clickthrough page through the backup ad image correctly, you must supply a click- through parameter.
- You can use multiple click-through URLs and define different landing pages for different actions. If you append a URL-escaped landing page to the click tag URL, the platform tracks the click and redirects the request to the given landing page.
- var clickTAG = getParameterByName(“clickTAG”) + encodeURIComponent(“”);
- TIP – Use JavaScript to read the parameter from the document location URL and use it to set up the landing page for your clicks. You can use either all single quotes (‘) or all double quotes (“) in your code, but you cannot mix them.
- var clickTAG = getParameterByName(“clickTAG”) + encodeURIComponent(“”);
- File Types: GIF, PNG, JPEG
- File Size:
- Smartphone: 1MB max
- Tablet: 150kb max
- Dimensions:
- Smartphone: 300×50, 320×50, 300×250, 336×280, 320×480
- Tablet: 728×90, 160×600, 300×250, 468×60, 336×280
- File Types: MP4, FLV, WEBM, MOV, MPG, MPEG
- File Size: 200 MB max
- Supported Standards: VAST 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
- VPAID: 1.0 and 2.0
- Supported Tag Types: VAST URL or VAST Source XML, VAST with VPAID
- Insertion Point: Pre-roll, Mid-roll, Post-roll
- Companion Ad Types: GIF, PNG, JPEG
- Companion Ad Sizes: 300×250, 728×90, 300×600
- CTV creatives hosted by AlwaysOn Digital are automatically served in an SSL-compliant format
- To reach the most CTV inventory using third-party creatives, include a media file from each spec type
- CTV devices do not support the ability to click through to a landing page
- Certain requirements (such as bitrates) vary drastically by publisher
- Typically, a minimum of 1200 kbps to 1500 kbps is required. A bitrate of 1.6 mbps to 3.2 mbps is preferred
- Most CTV inventory accepts only the VAST 2.0 standard for VAST bid responses
- File Format:
- Only MP4 files are allowed for CTV ad placements
- FLV and WebM files are not supported for CTV
- File Tags:
- Third-party creatives must be VAST tags only
- VPAID tags are not supported on CTV
- While there is not a specific version of VAST that should be used with CTV creatives, keep in mind that VAST 3.0 and VAST 4.0 are typically less scalable. If you’re using a standard VAST tag that includes a VPAID component (for example, as part of an API framework), then this cannot cause any issues for your CTV creative. A VAST wrapper with VPAID functionality is not the same as a VPAID wrapper.
- Creative File:
- It is a best practice to assign one tag to each creative media asset
- Creative file rotation through one tag is not recommended
- SSL Compliance:
- All creatives must be SSL compliant
- File Type: MP4
- File Size: 10 GB max
- Frame Rate (FPS): 23.98 or 29.97
- Audio Sample Rate: 48 kHz